Saturday, July 23, 2011

3 Dimensional Art

I made a bigger robot than the last one. It is made out of boxes.

I made this out of a small box and the kind of things my mom drinks and a bubble jar. My mom didn't think the glue would hold the strings. She was wrong!

I made this test dummy out of a piece of futon wood. We were throwing my brother's futon away and we picked apart the pieces. I hammered in nails for his hair and used two straps for his arms.

This is a video of a scary face sign. I got a new Skull Rug and my mom let me keep the big tube. I put a protein shake jar on top to make the head. Then I colored on the scary faces.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Robot

I made this myself out of water bottles and cookie containers and duct tape:

Saturday, July 9, 2011

My Scar

Last Saturday, I scraped my knee. I scraped my knee on the diving board at the pool. Here's a picture of it: