Friday, November 11, 2011

Piranha Book

I made these pictures off YouTube:
(If you click on them, it will make the picture bigger.)

"Piranhas are Ravanis fish. Never tese this fish. it will BitE You!"

Friday, November 4, 2011

Tyvek Wallet

Last week, we found this cool video that showed how to make a wallet made out of a Tyvek envelope. Tyvek is a very strong material. My mom helped me make it. She did the folding and cutting. Then I drawed on it.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Birthday Gifts

This was the cake my mom made for my party.

This was a cool shirt that my mom got me.

She also got me business blog cards and a pen with my blog name on it.

I also got this cool thing to hang in my door.

But my favorite present was my black book from my dad. I draw graffiti in it.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Monster Book and Art

I made a book of monsters:

The Jersey Devil:

These are pictures I drew: A Big Foot Shark:

A Sea Bat:

Man-Eating Worm:

Jersey Devil:

Flying Devil:


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fabric Art

When I was at camp, we made our own t-shirts. This is what I drew and alcohol made it look cool (he means they sprayed rubbing alcohol on the drawings to give it the tie-dye effect).

I drew a snake on the back of the shirt.

Laura gave me some fabric markers and this green bag.

On this t-shirt, I drew a monster and some buildings:

Saturday, July 23, 2011

3 Dimensional Art

I made a bigger robot than the last one. It is made out of boxes.

I made this out of a small box and the kind of things my mom drinks and a bubble jar. My mom didn't think the glue would hold the strings. She was wrong!

I made this test dummy out of a piece of futon wood. We were throwing my brother's futon away and we picked apart the pieces. I hammered in nails for his hair and used two straps for his arms.

This is a video of a scary face sign. I got a new Skull Rug and my mom let me keep the big tube. I put a protein shake jar on top to make the head. Then I colored on the scary faces.